
our mission is to help your vision come to life with our fully equipped studio space.

It’s your space

The live room at Load Street is completely private. You have the luxury of recording in a space where you won’t be disturbed by passing clients and/or bleed from other bands sessions.

What you’re working with

It’s nice! I mean, like PMC nice! Like, Rupert Neve nice. Like, Nuemann, AKG and Telefunken nice.

The latest technology and equipment is constantly evolving. For that reason, so is the equipment we have here. We focus on making sure what we have offers the best quality we can provide.

If you’re the sort of band or artist who wants to take their time and make sure we get it right then that’s totally cool. We can block book sessions or we can even book a couple of hours here and a couple of hours there just chipping away at the project.

If you’re looking for a longer more dedicated service then that’s cool too. We can book out as much time as you need to get your work done.

Equally if you want to pitch up, plug in and record what happens in the room - we can do that too.

Record it your way

Our studio’s rehearsal spaces are more than equipped to function as break out spaces for writing sessions, practices before recording, or group work sessions.